Thursday, February 25, 2016

Marginally Rude

Hey there!

You are here because you want to join Morgan and I on our 7 month experiment, based on Jen Hatmaker's sweet book! Or you want to watch two nutty women struggle to eat avocados for an entire month.

Either way...we're glad you're here!

As our journey progresses, Mo and I will be sharing our thoughts, experiences, joys and failures with you here - on this, our friendship blog! Feel free to check in weekly, sign up for email alerts, and join us for what Jesus has for us in the next 7 months.

Feel free to jump in at any time, but if you want to start with us on March 1st, here's a few things you should do to prepare:

  • purchase this book
  • empty your fridge
  • say goodbye to coffee
  • check in on February 28th for the full Month 1 Challenge!
Get excited!

- Emily

P.S. I am freaking out.


  1. Wow. You guys are a little nutty, but I get it!!! No coffee. Oh my? Why? Ha.
    Coffee is my breakfast.

  2. Wow. You guys are a little nutty, but I get it!!! No coffee. Oh my? Why? Ha.
    Coffee is my breakfast.

  3. Grab the book and follow along to find out why we're giving up our coffee!
