Friday, April 8, 2016

7 outfits I will never wear again

Okay, this is hard.

I knew I loved my clothes, but I thought I would be able to coast through this month no problem. I'm not that addicted to my wardrobe, I thought. And I get 7 completely different outfits! Totally doable.

This coming from the girl who moved to North Carolina for 2 months and packed enough clothes and shoes and scarves and jewelry and cardigans and skirts and... you get the point... that I didn't have to repeat an outfit for a whole month. My roommate at the time can attest to this amazing feat.

But being the glass half full type of person that I am, I still entered April with a shiny, I-can-do-it attitude. And I'm discovering that I can't. I cannot do it.

The importance I place on what I wear is far greater than I originally thought.

I teach dance sometimes 4-5 days a week, so I have 2 "dance teacher" outfits to work with (a number I wish was much higher after these past 7 days). I need comfy clothes to wear at home, and comfortable PJs for crying out loud. So there goes 2 more of my allotted 7. Which leaves 2 outfits that a normal person would wear in public (and still look presentable), and 1 dress for nicer occasions, or for the beautiful spring day I'm hoping arrives at some point this month.

And that's it.

Sounded like a lot more in theory. In practice, it feels unbearably limiting compared to the excess of options normally at my fingertips.

So here at the beginning of week 2, I'm praying for God to change my "I can't" attitude. I'm praying for Him to break my heart for what is truly important in His Kingdom. And praying that by the end of this month my clothes have taken a backseat to far more important things.

- Morgan

p.s. I've discovered these floral keds of mine are truly a mental and emotional lifesaver, on days when wearing the same shirt for the third time in one week feels especially tough.


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